Additional Hosting Options
IP addresses
IP addresses
All provisioned machines are provided with one IPV4 address. You can order up to 10 IPV4 and IPV6 address for your network. Contact us to upgrade →Virtual and dedicated servers can be upgraded
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network)
For some projects, secure data transfer at the data-link level between your server and the gateway on the Internet is crucial. Another possibility is that you might need decent speed and require a large amount of information to be transferred between several of your servers. For such purposes, you can use our cost-effective and convenient solution – a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN).
You’ll be able to connect your servers within a single virtual local network using second NICs. The servers will interact directly at the link level, even if they are physically connected to different network switches. The same is true vice versa, and they will be invisible to servers of other clients at the link level.
Dedicated VLAN
Dedicated VLAN is suitable for those who are worried about their IP address security and want to prevent any influence of “location neighbors” on their servers.
Dedicated VLAN provides additional options:
- Using a separate subnet, not just the addresses attached to the server.
- Using a DHCP server.